Furnace Installation and Repair

Furnace Installation and Repair

Save money while you improve the efficiency of your heating systems by working with Olathe Heating and Cooling

Our team will quickly diagnose the problem, fix it immediately, and recommend reliable repair and maintenance recommendations.

When your furnace system starts having problems, your home can be in trouble and uncomfortable to live in. every instant that your heater is not performing well, it risks your pipes freezing, and when pipes freeze, they tend to be susceptible to bursting and causing massive damages to not only your home but also the environment. When you call, we will locate the appropriate furnace solutions to keep your home warm and safe. When it comes to heating and cooling systems, you should always rely on professionals to do the job because these tasks require skilled professionals' expertise to complete them correctly.

Whether using gas, oil, or an electric furnace, a great unit should last up to 20 years. While most problems with furnaces are usually caused by wear and tear, inadequate maintenance can also play a significant factor.

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Common furnace problems may include: 

  • Clogged or dirty filters 
  • Increased mechanical wear and tear 
  • Gas leaks
  • Malfunctioning thermostats 

A gas leak is an emergency, and you should immediately call us when you smell it. While on our way, ensure you create enough ventilation and evacuate your home. 

Over the years, residents of Olathe and its environment have come to us for furnace installation and repair. Through all this experience, we have learned one thing – the signs of a failing furnace are not always obvious and sometimes will require more than not having heat to diagnose.

Nevertheless, here are some of the symptoms of a deteriorating furnace you should look out for: 

  • Spiked energy bills 
  • Regular repairs 
  • A sharp drop in indoor air quality 
  • Unusual odors or sounds when you turn on the heat
  • Difficult to initiate the unit
  • Stained pilot light 
  • Inadequate heat

When you sense your furnace is failing, you first need to find a reliable maintenance company. Your furnace is a considerable investment, and investments need to be treated right to yield returns. But if neglected, your furnace will break down, leading to numerous issues such as failures and inefficiency, which could result in severe emergencies.

We offer clients around Olathe a wide range of installation and maintenance services to fit their budgets and needs. Sometimes the cost of maintaining or repairing a deteriorating furnace can outweigh the cost of installing a new system. In this case, it is a sound decision to replace the failing furnace with a new one that is efficient and energy-saving. You can save a lot on energy bills by substituting a new furnace.

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